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ABRSM grade exams

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

The ABRSM Violin Exam is a great way for any violinist to measure their progress and challenge themselves.

how to pass ABRSM violin  exam

Taking a violin ABRSM exam can be a great way to remain motivated to practice the violin and to have a fun way to measure your progress. It’s definitely worth considering taking a music exam for anyone who sets out to learn how to play the violin, no matter if you are starting to play at a young age or as an adult. It can be a fun experience to prepare for a real music exam, and most of all, it will help you to bring your violin playing to a new level!

“Did you know participating in a violin exam is an excellent way to measure your progress."

What is the purpose of violin exams?

If you ever wanted to take a violin exam, then you might have come across the term ABRSM Exams. What is ABRSM? It stands for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. The ABRSM is an international organisation that sets standards for music education and performance in addition to running exams around the world. The ABRSM allows students to take exams in a wide range of repertoire and subjects, including music theory, as well as instrumental and vocal performance. A violin ABRSM exam is one of the exams that is offered by this board. The violin ABRSM exam requires candidates to play various pieces from different periods or genres – they might be asked to play anything from an eighteenth-century Haydn sonata, right through to a twentieth-century Bartok study. There are violin ABRSM exams at different levels, from beginner to diploma and degree level. Each exam provides a way to demonstrate that you can play the violin with understanding, expressiveness, and sensitivity in a given style or genre.

( Other exam options are also available, Trinity (Worldwide) , RCM (Canada), ASTACAP (US)

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